日本东京大学博士,博士后,现就职于华中科技大学 。刘博士对计算流体力学和结构仿真分析方面有着丰富的经验。主持或参与了桥梁抗震、桥梁抗风、建筑结构抗震、建筑结构抗风、风环境预测、水下结构冲刷、风力发电机抗震抗风抗波浪、电力结构抗震抗风等诸多科研项目。刘博士在日本期间全程参与了全球第一座实际投入运营的海上风力发电机的科研与设计工作,其导师日本东京大学石原孟教授在日本长期担当风力发电的重要职务,从2014年至今担任日本风力发电委员会委员长。刘博士在日本期间长期从事陆上风力发电机和海上风力发电机的风荷载、波浪荷载、海上风力发电机基础冲刷、结构动力特性、流场特性、风能资源预测评估、风力发电机的智能化优化布置等领域有着长期丰富的科研设计工作,并与日本各大风力发电机设计生产科研机构,如:三井造船、三菱重工等企业,保持着长期稳定的交流与合作。
Numerical study of tornado induced flow fields and aerodynamic force by using LES model
[1] Zhu, Z, Liu, Z.,2012. CFD prediction of local scour hole around bridge piers,Journal of Central South University of Technology, 19(1): 273-281, SCI. (Published)
[2] Ishihara, T.,Liu, Z., 2015. Numerical Study on Dynamics of a Tornado-Like Vortex with Touching Down by using the LES Turbulent Model. Wind and Structures. SCI. (Published)
[3] Liu, Z., Ishihara, T., 2015. Numerical Study on the Turbulent Flow Fields and the Similarity of Tornado Vortices by using the LES Model. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics.SCI.(In Press)
[4] Liu, Z., Ishihara, T., 2014. Numerical Study of Tornado-induced Aerodynamic Forces on a Building Model based on Large Eddy Simulation. Journal of Fluids and Structures. SCI.(Under review)
[5] Liu, Z., Ishihara, T., 2014. Numerical Study of the Effects of Translation and Roughness on Tornado-like Vortices by using LES Model. Journal of Atmospheric Science. SCI. (Under review)
[6] 祝志文, 刘震卿,陈政清, 2011.圆柱形桥墩局部冲刷的三维数值模拟.中国公路学报, 24(2): 42-48,EI.
[7] 祝志文,张士宁,刘震卿,陈政清,2011.桥址峡谷地貌风场特性的CFD模拟,湖南大学学报(自然版),38(10): 13-17,EI.
[8] 石原孟,长坂阳介, 刘震卿, 2012.LESモデルを用いた数値流体解析による竜巻状涡内の乱流场の解明. 22回风工学シンポジウム.(Published)
[1] Liu, Z. Ishihara, T., 2012. Effects of the Swirl Ratio on the Turbulent Flow Fields of Tornado-like Vortices by using LES Turbulent Model. 7th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, Shanghai, China. (Presented)
[2] Liu, Z. Ishihara, T., 2013. Numerical Study of Tornado-induced Aerodynamic Forces for a Gable-Roof Building by using LES Model. 6th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, Cambridge, UK. (Presented)
[3] Liu, Z. Ishihara, T., 2013. LES Modeling of the Effects of Ground Roughness and Translation on Tornado-like Vortices. 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, Chennai, India. (Presented)
[4] Liu, Z. Ishihara, T., 2014. Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flow over Complex Topography, 6th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, Hamburg, Germany. (Presented)
[5] Liu, Z. Ishihara, T., 2014. LES Modeling of Canopy Flows for Wind Prediction in Urban Area. Grand Renewable Energy 2014 International Conference, Tokyo, Japan. (Presented)
[6] Ishihara, T., Tanaka, T., Liu, Z., 2014. A Numerical Study of Turbulent Flow Over a Three-dimensional Hill Including Mean, Turbulent and Spectrum. Grand Renewable Energy 2014 International Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
[7] 石原孟,长坂阳介, 刘震卿, 2011.LESモデルを用いた数値流体解析による竜巻状涡内の三次元乱流场の解明.日本风工学会志, 127.(Presented)
[8] Zhu, Z., Liu, Z., Chen, Z., 2010. Numerical Simulation for Local Scour in the Vicinity of a Cylinder Pier. International Symposium on life-cycle Performance of Bridge and Structures, Changsha.
[9] 祝志文, 刘震卿,陈政清, 2009.基于CFD数值模拟圆柱墩局部冲刷,第十四届全国结构风工程会议,北京.
[10] Zhu, Z., Tang, B, Liu, Z., 2008. Earthquake Evaluation of Urban Bridge with Complicated Configuration. The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing.
[11] Zhu, Z., Li, Y., Wang, Z., Liu, Z. , 2008. Identification of Aerodynamic Models of Bridge Decks from Numerical Simulation. The Tenth International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Experts, Changsha.